Monday, May 24, 2010

Ode to le Faux Pas

The weekend was super exciting for me! I got to volunteer at the 2nd annual Green Long Beach Festival, and while the the whole festival was informative, interesting and totally fun-their volunteer shirts were...well-interesting to say the least. The shirts were Rasta/Cheetah print/deep V-neck shirts. Mind you, those three adjectives should NEVER be in the same sentence, let alone on any article of clothing. Regardless of the lack of taste, the shirts did bring humor to my day and was the perfect example of what fashion faux pas' look like. Here is a mini-ode to fashion faux pas:

faux pas
excuse my faux pas mistake, blunder, gaffe, indiscretion, impropriety, solecism, barbarism; informal boo-boo, blooper. See note at mistake .

Plastic, Paisley/Cow Print Cowboy Rain Boots. 

Ed Hardy inspired/Virgen De Guadalupe Hats.

 Bedazzled Angel wing ass print leggings.  


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Why don't you love me?

Remember the days when MTV and VH1 would actually play music videos? Yeah me neither-luckily for us we have outlets like Vimeo and Youtube to bring those glory days back. Case and point, all the Lady Gaga's music videos. Beyonce's new video for her latest single, "Why don't you love me?", is a great music video, even cooler song, but her wardrobe in the video is KILLING IT SON! 
She channels  a 60's desperate house wife, with outfits inspired by the biggest icons of the decade including Betty Page, Marilyn and Jackie O. Now why can't  more pop stars would be more fashion savvy like Queen B?!