Sunday, May 1, 2011

Wake up! Wake up! It's the first of the month.

Today is the 1st of the month and while some are dreading today (rent is due!) today's 1st of the month is quite different. Today is May 1st, or as thousands of workers refer to as May Day/International Worker's Day. Today is an another opportunity for YOU to voice current labor issues that affect you daily. Today YOU can go into the streets of Los Angeles (or wherever you live) and march peacefully to voice your current frustrations not only towards change in labor unions but rights for migrant workers.
A sweater that would make Trotsky happy.
If just one day out of the year, we would leave our comfortable bubble of numbing capitalism and protest with our fellow comrades and peacefully "fight" and hold hands for something we ALL believe in, wouldn't this world be a better place?

What's worth fighting for you?

1 comment:

  1. Great message + aWeSoMe sweater + aWeSoMe song from TINC = aWeSoMe blog post!
